39.Music is part of the structure of our society; it sits at the heart of human experience and enriches(丰富)so many lives. Why, then, is it not central to our education system? This is a question I recently put forward to an all-party group on music education.I am 20 years old and began playing the piano at the Barracudas Band in Barrow-in-Furness,aged seven.The funding for the centre has now been cut. I took part in the primary tuition project, aged 11. The funding for that has also been cut now. It is a common problem across the country.Music is not an add-on, a “soft” subject or a luxury—it is absolutely essential to our existence.Every child deserves the opportunity to experience its benefits. Until music is held in the same regard as the “core” subjects of our curriculum, our society will be worse off. We need joy, empathy (共情) and hope on this planet more than ever, and taking away children’s opportunity to develop musical skills is to set ourselves up for a fall. Despite the many brilliant programs and projects to encourage young musicians ( ), we are reaching a crisis point. We are in danger of destroying creativity, innovation(创新)and expression. Learning an instrument can help develop so many fundamental life skills. It promotes discipline, empathy, determination and cooperation as well as providing a sense of community and worth.Music has changed my life. It is a huge part of who I am. I have learned so much about the worldThrough music and the inspiring figures I have met through it I feel I have a duty to help ensure that others can benefit from its magic. Let us make it available to every single child.What is the author’s attitude towards music?

A、  Positive.

B、  Critical.

C、  Doubtful.

D、  Indifferent.



129.The car crashed into the train, and the driver was killed()the spot.
136.Do you know any other foreign languages()French?
44.In the race to the moon, who came in first?You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10 , which reached the moon in May 1969 and then headed back to Earth without landing.But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about humans and what your definition(定义)of reaching the moon might be. Before any people arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were a pair of tortoises , Discovery’s Amy Shira Teitel reminded us.The Soviet spacecraft (航天器) sent the animals around the moon—although not into its orbit—during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned(无人驾驶的)craft then returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals to “stay-at-home turtles used as a test control,” most things seemed normal, aside from some vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.What this all means is that, as Teitel explained, “The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”According to the passage, which of the following reached the moon first?
191.Jim was upset last night because he had to do too().
128.Don't forget to post the letter for me,()?
217.There was an()of discontent on her face.
21.Teachers are some of the most important professionals in the world. They are responsible___21___preparing future generations to become productive and honest citizens, who will___22___to society for the whole of their adult life.Obviously, the most common reason___23___teachers decide to teach is the ability to make a difference. There are many professions that give people the ability to have a( )___24___impact on the world and change people’s lives,___25___few professions have a direct impact on___26___a better society as teachers do. People tend to___27___their teachers for years after they finish school, for good teachers can___28___their students to become something that they___29___thought they could be, or to work___30___a field that they thought they did not___31___.Teachers are also important because they provide___32___for their students. In certain low-income areas___33___some students may not have both of their parents___34___, teachers can provide an important influence that helps their students make the right___35___, even when they are not in the classroom. Generally, teachers’impact on students can last all through their life.以下选项21题答案为()。
238.I am used()my sleep interrupted.
7.Cultural exchange plays an important role()promoting relation between the two countries.

39.Music is part of the structure of our society; it sits at the heart of human experience and enriches(丰富)so many lives. Why, then, is it not central to our education system? This is a question I recently put forward to an all-party group on music education.I am 20 years old and began playing the piano at the Barracudas Band in Barrow-in-Furness,aged seven.The funding for the centre has now been cut. I took part in the primary tuition project, aged 11. The funding for that has also been cut now. It is a common problem across the country.Music is not an add-on, a “soft” subject or a luxury—it is absolutely essential to our existence.Every child deserves the opportunity to experience its benefits. Until music is held in the same regard as the “core” subjects of our curriculum, our society will be worse off. We need joy, empathy (共情) and hope on this planet more than ever, and taking away children’s opportunity to develop musical skills is to set ourselves up for a fall. Despite the many brilliant programs and projects to encourage young musicians ( ), we are reaching a crisis point. We are in danger of destroying creativity, innovation(创新)and expression. Learning an instrument can help develop so many fundamental life skills. It promotes discipline, empathy, determination and cooperation as well as providing a sense of community and worth.Music has changed my life. It is a huge part of who I am. I have learned so much about the worldThrough music and the inspiring figures I have met through it I feel I have a duty to help ensure that others can benefit from its magic. Let us make it available to every single child.What is the author’s attitude towards music?

A、  Positive.

B、  Critical.

C、  Doubtful.

D、  Indifferent.




A.   cabbage

B.   cage

C.   captain

D.   candle
129.The car crashed into the train, and the driver was killed()the spot.

A.   on

B.   at

C.   to

D.   by

解析:解析:on the spot表示“当场”。
136.Do you know any other foreign languages()French?

A.   but

B.   except

C.   besides

D.   beside

解析:解析:but多与nothing, nobody,all等连用;except表示“除了,除去”;besides是“除了……还有 ”的意思;beside表示“在旁边”。
44.In the race to the moon, who came in first?You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10 , which reached the moon in May 1969 and then headed back to Earth without landing.But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about humans and what your definition(定义)of reaching the moon might be. Before any people arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were a pair of tortoises , Discovery’s Amy Shira Teitel reminded us.The Soviet spacecraft (航天器) sent the animals around the moon—although not into its orbit—during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned(无人驾驶的)craft then returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals to “stay-at-home turtles used as a test control,” most things seemed normal, aside from some vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.What this all means is that, as Teitel explained, “The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”According to the passage, which of the following reached the moon first?

A.   A pair of tortoises.

B.   American astronauts.

C.   Russian astronauts.

D.   Dogs and monkeys.

191.Jim was upset last night because he had to do too().

A.   many homework

B.   a few homeworks

C.   few homeworks

D.   much homework
128.Don't forget to post the letter for me,()?

A.   do you

B.   will you

C.   are you

D.   can you

解析:解析:祈使旬的反义疑问句都用will you提问。
217.There was an()of discontent on her face.

A.   appearance

B.   sight

C.   shock

D.   expression

21.Teachers are some of the most important professionals in the world. They are responsible___21___preparing future generations to become productive and honest citizens, who will___22___to society for the whole of their adult life.Obviously, the most common reason___23___teachers decide to teach is the ability to make a difference. There are many professions that give people the ability to have a( )___24___impact on the world and change people’s lives,___25___few professions have a direct impact on___26___a better society as teachers do. People tend to___27___their teachers for years after they finish school, for good teachers can___28___their students to become something that they___29___thought they could be, or to work___30___a field that they thought they did not___31___.Teachers are also important because they provide___32___for their students. In certain low-income areas___33___some students may not have both of their parents___34___, teachers can provide an important influence that helps their students make the right___35___, even when they are not in the classroom. Generally, teachers’impact on students can last all through their life.以下选项21题答案为()。

A.   of

B.   in

C.   for

D.   to

解析:解析:be responsible for通常指“对…负责任”,后接名词或动名词;而be responsible to通常指“对某人负责”,后加人或物,或接动词原形,表示“对做某事负有责任”。
238.I am used()my sleep interrupted.

A.   to have

B.   having

C.   have

D.   to having

解析:解析:这道题考查点是词组be used to doing sth.,意为“习惯于做某事”。此题干意为“我已经习惯了睡觉时受打扰”。used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事”,但现在不做了。两个词组搭配不同,意义不同。
7.Cultural exchange plays an important role()promoting relation between the two countries.

A.   in

B.   on

C.   at

D.   to

解析:解析:文化交流在促进两国关系方面发挥着重要作用。play an important role in...为固定搭配,意为“在…中起重要作用”。