
A、  whole

B、  while

C、  whom

D、  whose


169.It is requested that all the students()present at the meeting tomorrow.
176.Water always()steam when boiled.
116.A doctor, together with two nurses,()sent to the mountain village.
231.It is()for me to carry.
111.My parents always buy()my birthday.
29.Teachers are some of the most important professionals in the world. They are responsible___21___preparing future generations to become productive and honest citizens, who will___22___to society for the whole of their adult life.Obviously, the most common reason___23___teachers decide to teach is the ability to make a difference. There are many professions that give people the ability to have a( )___24___impact on the world and change people’s lives,___25___few professions have a direct impact on___26___a better society as teachers do. People tend to___27___their teachers for years after they finish school, for good teachers can___28___their students to become something that they___29___thought they could be, or to work___30___a field that they thought they did not___31___.Teachers are also important because they provide___32___for their students. In certain low-income areas___33___some students may not have both of their parents___34___, teachers can provide an important influence that helps their students make the right___35___, even when they are not in the classroom. Generally, teachers’impact on students can last all through their life.以下选项29题答案为()。
52.There are many interesting news items in BP’s(英国石油公司)annual Energy Outlook just published. But perhaps the most astonishing suggestion in the report is the idea that cutting back on plastic use could make matters worse. This might be what you would expect BP to say. After all, as one of the world’s biggest oil companies, it makes a lot of money from selling products in plastic. But let’s look at the thinking behind BP’s argument.If the current opposing idea about the use of plastic continues, there could be a worldwide ban on single-use plastics by 2040. But the document argues that switching plastic for other materials will have a bigger cost in terms of energy and carbon emissions(排放). That sounds like the law of unintended(非故意的)consequences in action. When plastic bags are measured against paper or cotton substitutes, a BBC analysis found there wasn’t a great deal of difference in their environmental impact. Paper bags require fewer reuses to make them more environmentally friendly than single-use plastic bags, which means customers have to replace paper bags more frequently.Environmentalists, though, are not entirely convinced. They think that BP is stressing the problem of banning plastic for its own interest. “While it’s true that it takes less energy to produce and transport plastic than glass, a glass bottle can be reused dozens of times and is recyclable. Plus, materials like glass when they escape collection don’t go on polluting our oceans and rivers for hundreds of years," said Louise Edge, from Greenpeace UK.Steps to encourage recycling are being taken. The UK, for example, will introduce a new tax on the manufacture and import of plastic packaging in 2022. There are also lots of developments taking place with alternative materials. These may be the final defense against the unintended consequences of plastic bans.What is astonishing about BP' s annual report?
49.Vegans try to live, as much as possible, in a way that avoids exploiting and being cruel to animals.“his means following a plant-based diet. Vegans do not eat animals or animal-based products like meat, fish, seafood, eggs, honey and dairy products such as cheese. For many vegans, living a committed vegan lifestyle means not wearing clothes made from animal skins and avoiding any products which have been tested on animals.Vegans argue that suffering is caused in the production of these foods. For example, they say that, on some dairy farms, male calves(小牛)are killed because they are too expensive to keep, and cows are killed when they get older and produce less milk. As for honey, vegans say that bees make honey for bee, not for humans, and that bees’health can suffer when humans take the honey from them. Vegans be lieve that the products they use and consume should be free from not just cruelty but any exploitation of animals.The main reason for going vegan is probably that they believe animals and all other sentient(有感知能力的)beings should have the right to life and freedom. However, there are other reasons. Vegans argue that the production of meat and other animal products is very bad for the environment. They point out that a huge quantity of water is needed to grow grain to feed animals in the meat industry. The enormous amount of grain which the meat industry needs often leads to forests being cut down and habitats(栖息地)being lost. In contrast, much lower quantities of grain and water are needed to sustain a vegan diet. In addition, many vegans say that all the nutritious elements our bodies need are contained in a carefully planned vegan diet and that this type of diet helps prevent some diseases.Which of the following could be found in a vegan’s diet?


A、  whole

B、  while

C、  whom

D、  whose


169.It is requested that all the students()present at the meeting tomorrow.

A.   were

B.   are

C.   will be

D.   be

解析:解析:在“It is+表示提议、要求、命令等含义的动词过去分词+that分句”这一结构中,从句谓语动词用“动词原形”或“should+动词原形”表示虚拟语气。

A.   prevent

B.   president

C.   pregnant

D.   present
176.Water always()steam when boiled.

A.   gives out

B.   gives up

C.   gives off

D.   gives in

解析:解析:give out意为“分发”;give up意为“放弃”;give off意为“发出;放出”;give in 意为“屈服”。
116.A doctor, together with two nurses,()sent to the mountain village.

A.   have

B.   have been

C.   has

D.   has been

解析:解析:主语是单数,尽管后面跟有together with等引导的短语,谓语动词仍用单数形式。本句是被动句。
231.It is()for me to carry.

A.   a too heavy bag

B.   too a heavy bag

C.   too heavy a bag

D.   too heavy bag

111.My parents always buy()my birthday.

A.   anything nice to

B.   anything nice for

C.   something nice to

D.   something nice for


A.   liberation

B.   relation

C.   question

D.   attention
29.Teachers are some of the most important professionals in the world. They are responsible___21___preparing future generations to become productive and honest citizens, who will___22___to society for the whole of their adult life.Obviously, the most common reason___23___teachers decide to teach is the ability to make a difference. There are many professions that give people the ability to have a( )___24___impact on the world and change people’s lives,___25___few professions have a direct impact on___26___a better society as teachers do. People tend to___27___their teachers for years after they finish school, for good teachers can___28___their students to become something that they___29___thought they could be, or to work___30___a field that they thought they did not___31___.Teachers are also important because they provide___32___for their students. In certain low-income areas___33___some students may not have both of their parents___34___, teachers can provide an important influence that helps their students make the right___35___, even when they are not in the classroom. Generally, teachers’impact on students can last all through their life.以下选项29题答案为()。

A.   never

B.   rather

C.   ever

D.   still

52.There are many interesting news items in BP’s(英国石油公司)annual Energy Outlook just published. But perhaps the most astonishing suggestion in the report is the idea that cutting back on plastic use could make matters worse. This might be what you would expect BP to say. After all, as one of the world’s biggest oil companies, it makes a lot of money from selling products in plastic. But let’s look at the thinking behind BP’s argument.If the current opposing idea about the use of plastic continues, there could be a worldwide ban on single-use plastics by 2040. But the document argues that switching plastic for other materials will have a bigger cost in terms of energy and carbon emissions(排放). That sounds like the law of unintended(非故意的)consequences in action. When plastic bags are measured against paper or cotton substitutes, a BBC analysis found there wasn’t a great deal of difference in their environmental impact. Paper bags require fewer reuses to make them more environmentally friendly than single-use plastic bags, which means customers have to replace paper bags more frequently.Environmentalists, though, are not entirely convinced. They think that BP is stressing the problem of banning plastic for its own interest. “While it’s true that it takes less energy to produce and transport plastic than glass, a glass bottle can be reused dozens of times and is recyclable. Plus, materials like glass when they escape collection don’t go on polluting our oceans and rivers for hundreds of years," said Louise Edge, from Greenpeace UK.Steps to encourage recycling are being taken. The UK, for example, will introduce a new tax on the manufacture and import of plastic packaging in 2022. There are also lots of developments taking place with alternative materials. These may be the final defense against the unintended consequences of plastic bans.What is astonishing about BP' s annual report?

A.   BP has earned a lot of money by selling plastic products.

B.   Cutting back on plastic use may bring more problems.

C.   BP has become one of the world' s biggest oil companies.

D.   Cutting back on plastic use may affect product quality.

49.Vegans try to live, as much as possible, in a way that avoids exploiting and being cruel to animals.“his means following a plant-based diet. Vegans do not eat animals or animal-based products like meat, fish, seafood, eggs, honey and dairy products such as cheese. For many vegans, living a committed vegan lifestyle means not wearing clothes made from animal skins and avoiding any products which have been tested on animals.Vegans argue that suffering is caused in the production of these foods. For example, they say that, on some dairy farms, male calves(小牛)are killed because they are too expensive to keep, and cows are killed when they get older and produce less milk. As for honey, vegans say that bees make honey for bee, not for humans, and that bees’health can suffer when humans take the honey from them. Vegans be lieve that the products they use and consume should be free from not just cruelty but any exploitation of animals.The main reason for going vegan is probably that they believe animals and all other sentient(有感知能力的)beings should have the right to life and freedom. However, there are other reasons. Vegans argue that the production of meat and other animal products is very bad for the environment. They point out that a huge quantity of water is needed to grow grain to feed animals in the meat industry. The enormous amount of grain which the meat industry needs often leads to forests being cut down and habitats(栖息地)being lost. In contrast, much lower quantities of grain and water are needed to sustain a vegan diet. In addition, many vegans say that all the nutritious elements our bodies need are contained in a carefully planned vegan diet and that this type of diet helps prevent some diseases.Which of the following could be found in a vegan’s diet?

A.   Eggs.

B.   Honey.

C.   Milk.

D.   Potatoes.
