232.-- Have you moved into the new house?-- Not yet.The room().

A、  is being painted

B、  are painting

C、  are painted

D、  are being painted



127.It was recommended that they()for the doctor.
38.Music is part of the structure of our society; it sits at the heart of human experience and enriches(丰富)so many lives. Why, then, is it not central to our education system? This is a question I recently put forward to an all-party group on music education.I am 20 years old and began playing the piano at the Barracudas Band in Barrow-in-Furness,aged seven.The funding for the centre has now been cut. I took part in the primary tuition project, aged 11. The funding for that has also been cut now. It is a common problem across the country.Music is not an add-on, a “soft” subject or a luxury—it is absolutely essential to our existence.Every child deserves the opportunity to experience its benefits. Until music is held in the same regard as the “core” subjects of our curriculum, our society will be worse off. We need joy, empathy (共情) and hope on this planet more than ever, and taking away children’s opportunity to develop musical skills is to set ourselves up for a fall. Despite the many brilliant programs and projects to encourage young musicians ( ), we are reaching a crisis point. We are in danger of destroying creativity, innovation(创新)and expression. Learning an instrument can help develop so many fundamental life skills. It promotes discipline, empathy, determination and cooperation as well as providing a sense of community and worth.Music has changed my life. It is a huge part of who I am. I have learned so much about the worldThrough music and the inspiring figures I have met through it I feel I have a duty to help ensure that others can benefit from its magic. Let us make it available to every single child.What is the theme of the passage?
99.The population of the world has grown very fast()four hundred years.
116.A doctor, together with two nurses,()sent to the mountain village.
45.In the race to the moon, who came in first?You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10 , which reached the moon in May 1969 and then headed back to Earth without landing.But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about humans and what your definition(定义)of reaching the moon might be. Before any people arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were a pair of tortoises , Discovery’s Amy Shira Teitel reminded us.The Soviet spacecraft (航天器) sent the animals around the moon—although not into its orbit—during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned(无人驾驶的)craft then returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals to “stay-at-home turtles used as a test control,” most things seemed normal, aside from some vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.What this all means is that, as Teitel explained, “The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”What happened to the Soviet spacecraft?
50.Vegans try to live, as much as possible, in a way that avoids exploiting and being cruel to animals.“his means following a plant-based diet. Vegans do not eat animals or animal-based products like meat, fish, seafood, eggs, honey and dairy products such as cheese. For many vegans, living a committed vegan lifestyle means not wearing clothes made from animal skins and avoiding any products which have been tested on animals.Vegans argue that suffering is caused in the production of these foods. For example, they say that, on some dairy farms, male calves(小牛)are killed because they are too expensive to keep, and cows are killed when they get older and produce less milk. As for honey, vegans say that bees make honey for bee, not for humans, and that bees’health can suffer when humans take the honey from them. Vegans be lieve that the products they use and consume should be free from not just cruelty but any exploitation of animals.The main reason for going vegan is probably that they believe animals and all other sentient(有感知能力的)beings should have the right to life and freedom. However, there are other reasons. Vegans argue that the production of meat and other animal products is very bad for the environment. They point out that a huge quantity of water is needed to grow grain to feed animals in the meat industry. The enormous amount of grain which the meat industry needs often leads to forests being cut down and habitats(栖息地)being lost. In contrast, much lower quantities of grain and water are needed to sustain a vegan diet. In addition, many vegans say that all the nutritious elements our bodies need are contained in a carefully planned vegan diet and that this type of diet helps prevent some diseases.What belief do vegans hold?
78.Little Jim should love()to the theatre this evening.

232.-- Have you moved into the new house?-- Not yet.The room().

A、  is being painted

B、  are painting

C、  are painted

D、  are being painted



127.It was recommended that they()for the doctor.

A.   has waited

B.   waited

C.   should wait

D.   should have waited

解析:解析:在“It is+表示提议、要求、命令等含义的动词过去分词+that分句”这一结构中,从句谓语动词用“动词原形”或“should+动词原形”表示虚拟语气。

A.   else

B.   rise

C.   lose

D.   rose
38.Music is part of the structure of our society; it sits at the heart of human experience and enriches(丰富)so many lives. Why, then, is it not central to our education system? This is a question I recently put forward to an all-party group on music education.I am 20 years old and began playing the piano at the Barracudas Band in Barrow-in-Furness,aged seven.The funding for the centre has now been cut. I took part in the primary tuition project, aged 11. The funding for that has also been cut now. It is a common problem across the country.Music is not an add-on, a “soft” subject or a luxury—it is absolutely essential to our existence.Every child deserves the opportunity to experience its benefits. Until music is held in the same regard as the “core” subjects of our curriculum, our society will be worse off. We need joy, empathy (共情) and hope on this planet more than ever, and taking away children’s opportunity to develop musical skills is to set ourselves up for a fall. Despite the many brilliant programs and projects to encourage young musicians ( ), we are reaching a crisis point. We are in danger of destroying creativity, innovation(创新)and expression. Learning an instrument can help develop so many fundamental life skills. It promotes discipline, empathy, determination and cooperation as well as providing a sense of community and worth.Music has changed my life. It is a huge part of who I am. I have learned so much about the worldThrough music and the inspiring figures I have met through it I feel I have a duty to help ensure that others can benefit from its magic. Let us make it available to every single child.What is the theme of the passage?

A.   Music education should be available to every child.

B.   Music training programs should be provided free.

C.   Music should be placed at the top of the curriculum.

D.   Music should be made popular across the country.


A.   carried

B.   borrowed

C.   asked

D.   thread
99.The population of the world has grown very fast()four hundred years.

A.   for pass

B.   in the pass

C.   in the past

D.   for past

解析:解析:in the past意为“在过去的大约某一段时间内”。for表示的是现在完成时态中的时间,强调的是完成时态。因此,此句用for the past也是正确的。但选项中没有。
116.A doctor, together with two nurses,()sent to the mountain village.

A.   have

B.   have been

C.   has

D.   has been

解析:解析:主语是单数,尽管后面跟有together with等引导的短语,谓语动词仍用单数形式。本句是被动句。

A.   three

B.   those

C.   thank

D.   theatre
45.In the race to the moon, who came in first?You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10 , which reached the moon in May 1969 and then headed back to Earth without landing.But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about humans and what your definition(定义)of reaching the moon might be. Before any people arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were a pair of tortoises , Discovery’s Amy Shira Teitel reminded us.The Soviet spacecraft (航天器) sent the animals around the moon—although not into its orbit—during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned(无人驾驶的)craft then returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals to “stay-at-home turtles used as a test control,” most things seemed normal, aside from some vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.What this all means is that, as Teitel explained, “The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”What happened to the Soviet spacecraft?

A.   It was wrecked during the mission.

B.   It was recovered after its return to Earth.

C.   It stayed in the moon’s orbit.

D.   It disappeared in the outer space.

50.Vegans try to live, as much as possible, in a way that avoids exploiting and being cruel to animals.“his means following a plant-based diet. Vegans do not eat animals or animal-based products like meat, fish, seafood, eggs, honey and dairy products such as cheese. For many vegans, living a committed vegan lifestyle means not wearing clothes made from animal skins and avoiding any products which have been tested on animals.Vegans argue that suffering is caused in the production of these foods. For example, they say that, on some dairy farms, male calves(小牛)are killed because they are too expensive to keep, and cows are killed when they get older and produce less milk. As for honey, vegans say that bees make honey for bee, not for humans, and that bees’health can suffer when humans take the honey from them. Vegans be lieve that the products they use and consume should be free from not just cruelty but any exploitation of animals.The main reason for going vegan is probably that they believe animals and all other sentient(有感知能力的)beings should have the right to life and freedom. However, there are other reasons. Vegans argue that the production of meat and other animal products is very bad for the environment. They point out that a huge quantity of water is needed to grow grain to feed animals in the meat industry. The enormous amount of grain which the meat industry needs often leads to forests being cut down and habitats(栖息地)being lost. In contrast, much lower quantities of grain and water are needed to sustain a vegan diet. In addition, many vegans say that all the nutritious elements our bodies need are contained in a carefully planned vegan diet and that this type of diet helps prevent some diseases.What belief do vegans hold?

A.   Animals can help improve the environment.

B.   Animals have the right to life and freedom.

C.   Animal products lead to the rise of grain output.

D.   Animal products are far more nutritious.

78.Little Jim should love()to the theatre this evening.

A.   to be taken

B.   to take

C.   being taken

D.   taking

解析:解析:此题考查的是词组should love to do sth.=would like to do sth.,并且Jim与take之间是被动关系,故应选用take的不定式的被动态,即to be taken。