240.For this part, you are supposed to write an e-mail in about 100-120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.你(Li Yuan)收到美国朋友Thomas的e-mail,他提及要来中国留学的想法。请给他回一封e-mail,内容包括:·欢迎他来中国留学·推荐一所学校·介绍该学校所在的城市·表达为他提供帮助的意愿。


45.In the race to the moon, who came in first?You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10 , which reached the moon in May 1969 and then headed back to Earth without landing.But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about humans and what your definition(定义)of reaching the moon might be. Before any people arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were a pair of tortoises , Discovery’s Amy Shira Teitel reminded us.The Soviet spacecraft (航天器) sent the animals around the moon—although not into its orbit—during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned(无人驾驶的)craft then returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals to “stay-at-home turtles used as a test control,” most things seemed normal, aside from some vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.What this all means is that, as Teitel explained, “The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”What happened to the Soviet spacecraft?
219.The result made me().It was not half so good as I had expected.
74.I apologize()being late but I missed the bus.
240.For this part, you are supposed to write an e-mail in about 100-120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.你(Li Yuan)收到美国朋友Thomas的e-mail,他提及要来中国留学的想法。请给他回一封e-mail,内容包括:·欢迎他来中国留学·推荐一所学校·介绍该学校所在的城市·表达为他提供帮助的意愿。
50.Vegans try to live, as much as possible, in a way that avoids exploiting and being cruel to animals.“his means following a plant-based diet. Vegans do not eat animals or animal-based products like meat, fish, seafood, eggs, honey and dairy products such as cheese. For many vegans, living a committed vegan lifestyle means not wearing clothes made from animal skins and avoiding any products which have been tested on animals.Vegans argue that suffering is caused in the production of these foods. For example, they say that, on some dairy farms, male calves(小牛)are killed because they are too expensive to keep, and cows are killed when they get older and produce less milk. As for honey, vegans say that bees make honey for bee, not for humans, and that bees’health can suffer when humans take the honey from them. Vegans be lieve that the products they use and consume should be free from not just cruelty but any exploitation of animals.The main reason for going vegan is probably that they believe animals and all other sentient(有感知能力的)beings should have the right to life and freedom. However, there are other reasons. Vegans argue that the production of meat and other animal products is very bad for the environment. They point out that a huge quantity of water is needed to grow grain to feed animals in the meat industry. The enormous amount of grain which the meat industry needs often leads to forests being cut down and habitats(栖息地)being lost. In contrast, much lower quantities of grain and water are needed to sustain a vegan diet. In addition, many vegans say that all the nutritious elements our bodies need are contained in a carefully planned vegan diet and that this type of diet helps prevent some diseases.What belief do vegans hold?
198.Mr.Smith()working till he was seventy years old.
58.Alice: Hi, Sam! It’s nice to see you here.Sam: Hi, Alice!Alice: ___56___Sam: To my dorm.Alice: Great! Could you take this book to Peter?Sam: ___57___Does Peter know what it is for?Alice: Yes.___58___Sam: ___59___Are you well prepared for it?Alice: ___60___See you tomorrow!Sam: See you!请写出58题正确答案。
67.Anyone can get into the club,()he is a member there.
8.The two teachers taught him 30 years ago, but()of them can recognize him now.
44.In the race to the moon, who came in first?You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10 , which reached the moon in May 1969 and then headed back to Earth without landing.But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about humans and what your definition(定义)of reaching the moon might be. Before any people arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were a pair of tortoises , Discovery’s Amy Shira Teitel reminded us.The Soviet spacecraft (航天器) sent the animals around the moon—although not into its orbit—during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned(无人驾驶的)craft then returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals to “stay-at-home turtles used as a test control,” most things seemed normal, aside from some vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.What this all means is that, as Teitel explained, “The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”According to the passage, which of the following reached the moon first?

240.For this part, you are supposed to write an e-mail in about 100-120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.你(Li Yuan)收到美国朋友Thomas的e-mail,他提及要来中国留学的想法。请给他回一封e-mail,内容包括:·欢迎他来中国留学·推荐一所学校·介绍该学校所在的城市·表达为他提供帮助的意愿。


45.In the race to the moon, who came in first?You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10 , which reached the moon in May 1969 and then headed back to Earth without landing.But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about humans and what your definition(定义)of reaching the moon might be. Before any people arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were a pair of tortoises , Discovery’s Amy Shira Teitel reminded us.The Soviet spacecraft (航天器) sent the animals around the moon—although not into its orbit—during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned(无人驾驶的)craft then returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals to “stay-at-home turtles used as a test control,” most things seemed normal, aside from some vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.What this all means is that, as Teitel explained, “The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”What happened to the Soviet spacecraft?

A.   It was wrecked during the mission.

B.   It was recovered after its return to Earth.

C.   It stayed in the moon’s orbit.

D.   It disappeared in the outer space.

219.The result made me().It was not half so good as I had expected.

A.   disappointing

B.   disappointed

C.   disappoint

D.   be disappointed

74.I apologize()being late but I missed the bus.

A.   to

B.   by

C.   for

D.   of

解析:解析:apologize for表示“因……道歉”;apologize to sb.表示“向某人道歉”。
240.For this part, you are supposed to write an e-mail in about 100-120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.你(Li Yuan)收到美国朋友Thomas的e-mail,他提及要来中国留学的想法。请给他回一封e-mail,内容包括:·欢迎他来中国留学·推荐一所学校·介绍该学校所在的城市·表达为他提供帮助的意愿。
50.Vegans try to live, as much as possible, in a way that avoids exploiting and being cruel to animals.“his means following a plant-based diet. Vegans do not eat animals or animal-based products like meat, fish, seafood, eggs, honey and dairy products such as cheese. For many vegans, living a committed vegan lifestyle means not wearing clothes made from animal skins and avoiding any products which have been tested on animals.Vegans argue that suffering is caused in the production of these foods. For example, they say that, on some dairy farms, male calves(小牛)are killed because they are too expensive to keep, and cows are killed when they get older and produce less milk. As for honey, vegans say that bees make honey for bee, not for humans, and that bees’health can suffer when humans take the honey from them. Vegans be lieve that the products they use and consume should be free from not just cruelty but any exploitation of animals.The main reason for going vegan is probably that they believe animals and all other sentient(有感知能力的)beings should have the right to life and freedom. However, there are other reasons. Vegans argue that the production of meat and other animal products is very bad for the environment. They point out that a huge quantity of water is needed to grow grain to feed animals in the meat industry. The enormous amount of grain which the meat industry needs often leads to forests being cut down and habitats(栖息地)being lost. In contrast, much lower quantities of grain and water are needed to sustain a vegan diet. In addition, many vegans say that all the nutritious elements our bodies need are contained in a carefully planned vegan diet and that this type of diet helps prevent some diseases.What belief do vegans hold?

A.   Animals can help improve the environment.

B.   Animals have the right to life and freedom.

C.   Animal products lead to the rise of grain output.

D.   Animal products are far more nutritious.

198.Mr.Smith()working till he was seventy years old.

A.   kept up

B.   kept on

C.   kept to

D.   kept out

解析:解析:keep on doing sth.意为“坚持做某事”。
58.Alice: Hi, Sam! It’s nice to see you here.Sam: Hi, Alice!Alice: ___56___Sam: To my dorm.Alice: Great! Could you take this book to Peter?Sam: ___57___Does Peter know what it is for?Alice: Yes.___58___Sam: ___59___Are you well prepared for it?Alice: ___60___See you tomorrow!Sam: See you!请写出58题正确答案。

A.   How about your presentation?

B.   He needs it for tomorrow’s presentation.

C.   I think so.

D.   Where are you heading?

E.   You are welcome.

F.   No problem!

G.   What can I do for you?

H.   No, thanks!
67.Anyone can get into the club,()he is a member there.

A.   even if

B.   unless

C.   as that

D.   so long as

解析:解析:even if意为“即使”:unless意为“除非”;so long as意为“只要”。根据题意,选D。
8.The two teachers taught him 30 years ago, but()of them can recognize him now.

A.   either

B.   none

C.   each

D.   neither

44.In the race to the moon, who came in first?You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10 , which reached the moon in May 1969 and then headed back to Earth without landing.But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about humans and what your definition(定义)of reaching the moon might be. Before any people arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were a pair of tortoises , Discovery’s Amy Shira Teitel reminded us.The Soviet spacecraft (航天器) sent the animals around the moon—although not into its orbit—during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned(无人驾驶的)craft then returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals to “stay-at-home turtles used as a test control,” most things seemed normal, aside from some vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.What this all means is that, as Teitel explained, “The first living beings to see an Earthrise from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”According to the passage, which of the following reached the moon first?

A.   A pair of tortoises.

B.   American astronauts.

C.   Russian astronauts.

D.   Dogs and monkeys.
