A、 Make sure that you can see all components clearly.
B、 Make sure that all components are in position.
C、 Make sure that all components are in good condition.
A、 Make sure that you can see all components clearly.
B、 Make sure that all components are in position.
C、 Make sure that all components are in good condition.
A. The output of AND gate is one when either of its inputs is logic one.
B. There is absolute no relationship between the output and input of the AND gate.
C. The output of AND gate is one only when all the inputs are logic one.
A. 用于将燃油转化为动力
B. 用于将燃油-空气混合物转化为动力
C. 用于将燃油-空气混合物转化为发动机动力
A. 交流电源系统设计避免同一个电源同时给两个负载供电。
B. 交流电源系统设计防止两个电源同时向同一负载供电。
C. 备用电源系统被设计成避免两个电源同时向同一用户供电。
A. 主分配总管通过竖管和顶部分配管向客舱均衡地供应空气
B. 为了向客舱充分地供气,主分配总管通过竖管和顶部分配管供气
C. 主分配总管通过竖管和顶部分配管向客舱充分地供应空气
A. 每一个点处的宽度和深度值不能小于30
B. 每一个点处的宽深值不能大于30
C. 每一个点处的宽深比不少于30
A. 确保发动机进气道无松动
B. 确保发动机进气道无松动物
C. 确保发动机进气道无外来物
A. In flight,Flight Idle Power required for the engine to operate at slowly speed is an important condition to ensure good engine operation and airplane handing characteristics.
B. Flight Idle Power is the power required for an engine to operate at a minimum speed during flight to ensure satisfactory engine operation and aircraft handing characteristics.
C. In flight,good engine operation and aircraft handing characteristics are guaranteed to provide the engine with Flight Idle Power needed to operate at the lowest speed.
A. 技术文本常常包含很长的词组,这些词组在一个句子中具有一个个词性的功能。
B. 技术文件常常由很长的词汇构成,这些词在句子中的词性只有一种。
C. 技术文件常常包括长词组,在同一句子中这些词的功能是一种词性。
A. 对于简单的文本使用水平列表。
B. 对于复杂的文本使用水平列表。
C. 对于复杂的文本使用垂直列表。
A. If as many as 50% of the holes are contaminated, you should clean the display units behinds the holes.
B. The holes on the bottom of the display unit should be cleaned once over 50% of them are clogged due to contamination.
C. If contamination causes a blockage of more than 50 percent of the holes, then clean the holes on the rear of the display units.