A、 The RAT retraction time is approximately 45 seconds.
B、 The RAT time is about 45 minutes.
C、 The RAT check needs approximately 45 days.
A、 The RAT retraction time is approximately 45 seconds.
B、 The RAT time is about 45 minutes.
C、 The RAT check needs approximately 45 days.
A. 在外表面上涂抹密到胶。
B. 在外壁板施加载荷。
C. 在外壳上喷除防锈剂。
A. 只有当EEC有电时,EGT才显示。
B. 当EEC有电时,只有EGT显示。
C. 只要EEC有电,EGT就显示。
A. Those electrical cables, conduits, plugs and sockets serve several power plant systems, but which are banded together to facilitate removal and installation of the power plant. Does not include the wiring which is specifically covered under another system.
B. Those electrical cables, conduits, plugs, sockets, etc., which serve several power plant systems, and which are banded together to facilitate removal and installation of the power plant. Does not include the wiring which is specifically covered under another system.
C. Those electrical cables, conduits, plugs, sockets, etc., which serve several power plant systems, but which are banded together to facilitate removal and installation of the power plant. Does not include the wiring which is specifically covered under another system.
A. 如果高度变化频繁,请在组件上盖上盖子。
B. 如果温度变化频繁,请在组件上盖上盖子。
C. 如果湿度变化频繁,请在组件上盖上盖子。
A. 从冷冻室里取出来之后,铆钉必须在15分钟以内完成装配
B. 从冷冻室里取出来之后,铆钉必须放置15分钟以后才能装配
C. 从冷冻室里取出来15分钟之内不可以装配
A. If Illustrations will simplify, shorten,or make the text easier to understand,it should be used;
B. Illustrations should be used because they will simplify, shorten, or make the text easier to understand;
C. Illustrations should be used only if they will simplify, shorten, or make the text easier to understand;
A. The BITE function rectifies the failures and sends the failure message to the Central Maintenance Computer.
B. The failures are sent to the BITE function and the central maintenance computer.
C. The BITE function garners the failures and sends the failure message to the central maintenance computer.
A. A paragraph must have more than 6 sentences to be easier to read.
B. A paragraph should have as many as 6 sentences to read.
C. A paragraph should have 6 sentences most, otherwise it would be much difficult to read.
A. 对于简单的文本使用水平列表。
B. 对于复杂的文本使用水平列表。
C. 对于复杂的文本使用垂直列表。
A. The APU is designed to generate and supply one or some of the following power: auxiliary electric, hydraulic, pneumatic or other power.
B. The purpose of the APU is to produce and distribute one or more auxiliary electric, hydraulic, pneumatic or other power.
C. Auxiliary electric, hydraulic, pneumatic or other power can be generated and supplied by one or several APUs.