A、 轮毂
B、 轮轴
C、 轮胎
A. 所有文本应在一栏或两栏内编写,并由制造商自行决定是否合理;但是,为了便于阅读,最好使用两栏
B. 制造商应分别在一列和两列中准备所有文本,但两列更便于阅读。
C. 根据制造商的解释,所有文本应在一列或两列中准备,但两列具有更好的视觉效果。
A. 不要使用金属制品,可能割到或损坏上锁组件弹簧表面。
B. 不要使用金属物品,可能割到或损坏上锁组件弹簧表面。
C. 不要使用金属制品,可能划伤或损坏上锁组件弹簧表面。
A. The temperature of the oil has an effect on the precision of the oil level indicator;
B. The temperature of the oil has a negative effect on the oil level indicator;
C. The temperature of the oil has a positive effect on the indicator of oil level;
A. It sets forth supplier recommended and FAA required retirement (removal from service) times for parts or assemblies (using hours, intervals or other appropriate determinant) and life limited parts or assemblies.
B. It sets forth manufacturer recommended retirement times for parts or assemblies (using hours, cycles or another appropriate determinant) and FAA required retirement (removal from service) times for life limited parts or assemblies.
C. It sets forth retirement times for parts or assemblies (using hours, loops or another appropriate determinant) established by the manufacturer and retirement (removal from service) times for life limited parts or assemblies required by FAA.
A. 文本应尽可能简单易懂。
B. 文本可以尽量简单易懂。
C. 文本应该尽可能简明扼要。
A. 将温度计校正到华氏刻度
B. 将温度计校正到摄氏刻度
C. 将温度计拿去校验
A. 若燃油样品未被污染,则继续该程序。
B. 若燃油样品未被污染,则无需继续该程序。
C. 若燃油样品污染不严重,则无需继续该程序。
A. The base of rectangle is 5cm.
B. The base of tirangle is 5cm.
C. The bottom of tirangle is 5cm.
A. Do not operate the brakes to decrease the pressure in the accumulators.
B. Do not control the brakes to increase the pressure in the accumulators.
C. Do not maneuver the brakes for augmentation of the pressure in the reservoir.
A. CDCCLs are a means of identifying certain design configuration features intended to preclude a fuel tank ignition source for the operational life of the airplane.
B. CDCCLs are a means of sign certain design configuration features intended to preclude a fuel tank ignition source for the operational life of the airplane.
C. CDCCLs are a means of mark certain design configuration features intended to preclude a fuel tank ignition source for the operational life of the airplane.