A、 We advise you not do this procedure in the hangar.
B、 We recommend that you do not perform this procedure in the hangar.
C、 We are against perform this procedure in the hangar.
A、 We advise you not do this procedure in the hangar.
B、 We recommend that you do not perform this procedure in the hangar.
C、 We are against perform this procedure in the hangar.
A. Make sure you flush all the surface to remove all the cleaning solution.
B. Make sure the surface is completely flat for cleaning with solution.
C. Make sure you flush the surface sufficiently to remove all the cleaning solution.
A. The antenna select circuit chooses the diplexer and antenna that supplies the strongest receiver signal. The transmission of the reply signal goes through the selected diplexer and antenna .
B. The antenna select circuit chooses the router and antenna that supplies the strongest receiver signal. The transmission of the reply signal goes through the selected router and antenna .
C. The antenna select circuit chooses the router and antenna that supplies the strongest transmitter signal. The transmission of the reply signal goes through the selected router and antenna
A. 基本上,作者可以使用字典中已批准的词汇作为核心词,
B. 在主要部分中,作者可以使用字典中已认可的词汇作为核心词。
C. 在基础部分中作者可以使用字典中已核实过的词汇作为核心词。
A. 通常,当在章节末尾或出版物的后部增加页面不影响手册中的页面时-必须准备修订版。
B. 通常,当在章节一端或出版物的背面增加页面不影响手册中的页面时-必须随时准备修订版。
C. 通常,当在章节末尾或出版物的背面增加页面-不影响手册中已经存在的页面时-应随时准备修订版。
A. This requires breaking down the work into logical steps or operations.
B. This requires a breakdown of the job into logical steps or operations.
C. This required breaking down of the job into logical steps or operations.
A. 手册建议你在气流良好的区域制备混合物。
B. 制造商建议你在气流良好的区域制备混合物。
C. 制造商强调你在气流良好的区域制备混合物。
A. The manufacturer may establish procedures to provide drawback on unairworthy conditions
B. The manufacturer may establish procedures to provide response on unairworthy conditions
C. The manufacturer may establish procedures to provide recall on unairworthy conditions.
A. If the airspeed values are necessary to more than one configuration, the more restrictive IAS shall be used.
B. Where the airspeed values may be applicable to more than one configuration, the more conservative IAS value shall be used.
C. The more accurate IAS value should be used where the airspeed values are mandatory to less than one configuration.