A、 In an emergency, you can use fuel F-43 as an alternative to fuels F-34 and F-40.
B、 In an emergency, you can replace fuels F-43 with fuels F-34 and F-40.
C、 In an emergency, fuel F-43 can be used as an alternate to fuels F-34 and F-40.
A、 In an emergency, you can use fuel F-43 as an alternative to fuels F-34 and F-40.
B、 In an emergency, you can replace fuels F-43 with fuels F-34 and F-40.
C、 In an emergency, fuel F-43 can be used as an alternate to fuels F-34 and F-40.
A. CAP是飞机持续肌的初级文件,包括相关程序
B. CAP是包含飞机持续适航主要文件
C. CAP是飞机持线适航的初始文件,由相关程序组成
A. 一个关于序列号/组件号(或其他识别信息)的列表在右边页面相应的栏目中。
B. 页面右侧相应的栏目中列出了对应的序列号/组件号(或其他识别信息)。
C. 一组对应序列号/组件号(或其他识别信息)的栏目应显示在正确的页面上。
A. 发动机失效程序应该提供给所有的飞机,飞机起飞和飞行中出现的所有失效,包括部分失效都应包括。
B. 发动机失效程序应提供所有飞机在起飞和飞行中发生的所有发动机失效,包括部分失效。
C. 发动机失效程序应提供给所有飞机和所有发生的情况,包括在起飞和飞行中的部分失效。
A. 表格遵循以下显示的数据。
B. 以下表格显示该数据。
C. 后面的桌子上放着数据
A. The left and right cabin temperature controllers are interchangeable.
B. All the cabin temperature controllers are interchangeable.
C. The left and right cabin temperature controllers are changeable.
A. This information should be able to help identify the airplane that may exceeds and icing conditions of the certificated capabilities of the airplanes provided.
B. This information shall be presented along with information to aid recognition of icing conditions which may exceed the certificated capabilities of the aircraft and its ice protection system.
C. This information should be provided with information that can help recognize icing conditions that are more than the airplane and certificated capabilities of its ice protection systems.
A. 确保流经管路的液体没有气泡。
B. 确保管路渗漏出的油液没有气泡。
C. 确保液压油通过管路,且没有产生气泡。
A. The manufacturer's masterhead, model and publication title shall appear at the top of each page except on those pages where a component manufacturer's masterhead appears in accordance with Paragraph 7.1.4;
B. The manufacturer's masthead, model and publication title shall appear at the top of each page except on those pages where a component manufacturer's masthead appears in accordance with Paragraph 7.1.4;
C. The component manufacturer's masthead, model and publication title shall appear at the top of each page except on those pages where a manufacturer's masthead appears in accordance with Paragraph 7.1.4;
A. 安装封圈时,确保开口朝前;
B. 安装卡簧时,确保开口朝上;
C. 安装卡簧时,确保开口朝前;
A. Where a low flow or undercooling condition occurs, the low flow sensor sends an alarm signal to the flight compartment for warning.
B. When a low flow or not sufficient cooling condition occurs, the low flow sensor supplies an alarm signal to the flight compartment for annunciation.
C. When a low flow or insufficient cooling condition occurs, the low flow sensor applies a alarm signal to the flight compartment for caution.