A、 Slowly and fully extend the RAT and make sure that it does not touch other parts;
B、 Slowly retract the RAT and make sure that it does not touch other parts;
C、 Extend the RAT to full extended position in no time, and make sure no touch other parts;
A、 Slowly and fully extend the RAT and make sure that it does not touch other parts;
B、 Slowly retract the RAT and make sure that it does not touch other parts;
C、 Extend the RAT to full extended position in no time, and make sure no touch other parts;
A. 使用左边的开口,以方便接近。
B. 打开剩下的通道,以方便访问。
C. 通过右边的开口,以方便访问。
A. The first step should always be Job Set-Up, and the last should be finish or Cleaning.
B. The first step is always Job prepare, and the last should be end or Clean-Up.
C. The first step should always be Job Set-Up, and the last should be Close-Up or Clean-Up.
A. Includes items such as nose ring cowls, scoops, compressor fan cowls, buried engine ducts, vortex generators, actuators, control handles, cables, plumbing, linkages, doors, warning systems, position indicators, etc.
B. Includes i terns such as nose ring cowls, scoops, compressor, buried engine ducts, vortex generators, actuators, control handles, cables, plumbing, linkages, doors, waring systems, position indicators, etc.
C. Includes items such as nose ring cowls, scoops, compressor fan cowls, buried engine ducts, vortex generators, actuators, control handles, cables, plumbing, linkages, doors, warning systems, position indicators.
A. It is stated int the document that you should inform the FAA about the alterations you'll perform on the airplane to insure the airworthiness of the airplane.
B. The document says that the FAA should be involved in any alterations on airplane so to insure that the airplane will not violate any airworthiness.
C. The document sets forth that you should contact the FAA before any alterations on airplane to make sure that the airplane is airworthy continuously.
A. LEDs are simple and practical.
B. LEDs are complex and reliable.
C. LEDs are simple and dependable
A. 根据手册控制应急装置。
B. 手动控制逃生装置。
C. 紧急情况下,使用人工操纵。
A. Make sure that the service control unit is in the open position.
B. Make sure that the servo control unit is in the right position.
C. Make sure that the servo control unit is in the open position.
A. 如果刹车片接触到盘,根据文件移开不需要的材科。
B. 如果托架触碰到板,用锉刀去除不需要的材料。
C. 如果撑杆触及盖板,用填充剂移开不合适的材料。
A. Print all pages besides wiring diagrams and foldouts on both sides.
B. Print all pages other than wiring diagrams and foldouts on both sides.
C. Print all pages no more than wiring diagrams and foldouts on both sides.
A. The manufacturer shall include a description of the type service information issued by the manufacturer and the office or department to contact to get such information that the aircraft may be maintained in accordance with the latest information.
B. The manufacturer shall include a description of the type service information issued by the manufacturer and the office or department to contact to obtain such information sol that the aircraft may be maintained in accordance with the latest information.
C. The factory shall include a description of the type service information issued by the manufacturer and the office or department to contact to obtain such information so that the aircraft may be maintained related to the latest information.