A、 仅B747刚引进时期,每个月就有4000页必须从手册中删减或增加进手册。
B、 在B747引进时期,仅每个月必须替换或增补的手册就有4000页以上。
C、 在B747刚引进的阶段,仅一个月就需要更换或增加约4000页到手册中。
A、 仅B747刚引进时期,每个月就有4000页必须从手册中删减或增加进手册。
B、 在B747引进时期,仅每个月必须替换或增补的手册就有4000页以上。
C、 在B747刚引进的阶段,仅一个月就需要更换或增加约4000页到手册中。
A. Sentence forms shall be simple and direct avoiding the obvious, the elementary and discussions of theory except where essential for practical understanding and application.
B. Sentence forms shall be simple and direct, avoiding the obvious and the elementary, and omitting discussions of theory except where essential for practical understanding and application.
C. Sentence forms shall be simple land direct iso as to avoid the obvious and the elementary, and to omit discussions of theory except where essential for practical understanding and application.
A. 空气通过隔栅和过滤器进入洗手间。
B. 通过厨房的空气流入格栅和气滤。
C. 空气通过格栅和过滤器进入厨房。
A. 持续权威程序测试通常由两页组成一个文本页和一个图解页
B. 持续适航工作检查总是包含两页:一个文本页和一个描述页
C. 持续适航程序检查通常包括两页,一个文本页和一个图解页
A. Correct punctuation is important because it shows that the different parts of the text are reconnected and prevents miscomprehension.
B. Correct punctuation is important because it shows how the different parts of the text are independent and prevents accumulation.
C. Correct punctuation is important because it shows how the different parts of the text are related and prevents ambiguity.
A. 确保快卸接头与蒙皮齐平。
B. 确保紧固件头部与蒙皮一起冲洗。
C. 确保紧固件头部与蒙皮齐平。
A. Includes the functioning and maintenance aspects of items such as accessory section cowls, cowl flaps, cowling supports, and attach and locking mechanisms, etc. Does not include the structure integral with the airframe which shall be covered in the applicable Structures Chapter.
B. Includes the functioning and maintenance aspects of items such as accessory section cowls, cowl flaps, cowling supports, and attach, locking mechanisms, and the structure integral with the airframe.
C. The applicable Structures Chapter includes the functioning and maintenance aspects of items such as accessory section cowls, cowl flaps, cowling supports, and attach and locking mechanisms, etc.
A. When the target moves to or leaves the working area of the adjacent sensor,the electronic information of the adjacent sensor will be changed.
B. When the target moves into or out of the proximity-sensor's actuation area, it causes a change In the proximity sensor's electrical property.
C. When the target enters or leaves the active region of the adjacent sensor,the electronic signal of the adjacent sensor will be changed.
A. The number of shims should be counted and recorded.
B. It is necessary to calibrate the shims and record their numbers.
C. Do an assessment of the number of shims needed.
A. The swivel nuts on both valves engage threads on an internal stem that loosens or draws tight the valve stem to a metal seat.
B. The rotating nuts on both valves are meshed with the threads on the inner valve stud, so that the valve stud is loosened or tightened to a metal valve base.
C. The swing nuts on both valves engage with the threads on the internal spool, allowing the spool to loosen or tighten to the metal seat.
A. 描述步骤是一项可能会值得做的工作。
B. 一项工作的步骤描述可能存在不足之处。
C. 描述步骤对于一项工作,可能存在很多不足之处。