A、 Mach digit is the percent of true airspeed to the speed of sound
B、 Mach number is the proportion of real airspeed to the speed of light
C、 Mach number is the ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound.
A、 Mach digit is the percent of true airspeed to the speed of sound
B、 Mach number is the proportion of real airspeed to the speed of light
C、 Mach number is the ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound.
A. 执行绕机检查,清除静压孔的损坏和堵塞,检查整流罩锁和迎角传感器没有损坏。
B. 执行绕机检查,确保静压孔没有损坏和堵塞,检查雷达罩锁和迎角传感器没有损坏。
C. 执行目视检查,确保静压孔没有损坏和堵塞,检查雷达罩锁和迎角传感器没有损坏。
A. 组织维修的维修记录应当根据如下规定:维修工作应当保证记录一致。
B. 维修单位的维修记录应当跟随下列规定:完整的维护工作应当保证记录。
C. 维修单位的维修记录应当符合下列规定:维修工作应当保证记录完整。
A. Your skin and lungs can be protected.
B. Your skin and lungs can be harmed.
C. Your skin and lungs can be harmed suddenly.
A. Operation time should be recorded if the pump is in emergency.
B. When you use the emergency pump, record the time of operation.
C. When the pump is for emergency use, record the time of usage.
A. 用设置开关以重置运行时间。
B. 用重置按钮以重置运行时间。
C. 用重置按钮以重置格林威治时间。
A. 所有文本应在一栏或两栏内编写,并由制造商自行决定是否合理;但是,为了便于阅读,最好使用两栏
B. 制造商应分别在一列和两列中准备所有文本,但两列更便于阅读。
C. 根据制造商的解释,所有文本应在一列或两列中准备,但两列具有更好的视觉效果。
A. 树脂天线整流罩也得到了发展;
B. 玻璃纤维天线整流罩也得到了发展;
C. 玻璃纤维尾椎整流罩也得到了发展;
A. Functional test is the determination that a system or component performs the required procedures in all respects accordance with the minimum acceptable system or component design specifications.
B. Functional test is that procedure required to ascertain that a system or unit is functioning in all aspects in accordance with minimum acceptable system or unit design specifications.
C. Functional testing is the procedure requested to determine that a system or component operates in all respects according to the minimum unsanctioned system or component design specification.
A. All major repairs of the components in this chapter must be done in a qualified workshop according to data provided by the component manufacturer
B. All repairs of the parts in this chapter must be done in the designated workshop according to the parameter s provided by the component manufacturer.
C. Overhaul of any or all components in this chapter must be accomplished in a qualified shop in accordance with data supplied by the component manufacturer.
A. Maximum attitude for flight planning will be affected.
B. Maximum altitude for flight planning will be affected
C. Maximum attitude for flight planning will be affected.