A、 如果活门过早开启,停止测试
B、 如果活门已经开启,停止测试
C、 如果活门的开启时机未到,停止测试
A、 如果活门过早开启,停止测试
B、 如果活门已经开启,停止测试
C、 如果活门的开启时机未到,停止测试
A. It is permitted to show the legends within the diagram instead of listing at the bottom or on an adjacent page by the abbreviation number.
B. Legends shall be explained in a simple way within the diagram at the bottom or on an adjacent page except for abbreviation with numbers in a list.
C. If the space is enough, the legends shall be stated within the diagram and do not list them by numerical abbreviations at the bottom or on an adjacent page.
A. System testing is self-contained and can repeat other tests, including all modulations and tolerances, to maximize the maintenance of the system or units
B. The system test is independent, and can replicate other tests. This test includes all adjustments and tolerances, so that the system or units keep the highest efficiency.
C. System testing is independent and other tests can repeat, including all adjustments and tolerances, to reach maximum efficiency of the system or units.
A. 旋转控制开关到完全关闭位置。
B. 旋转控制开关到完全接近位置。
C. 按压控制开关到完全关闭位置。
A. the first and second publications replace the previous original edition.
B. more publications replace the previous original version.
C. The second or more publications take place of the previous original edition.
A. It is very difficult to determine the effects of corrosion but, as the reports from the CAP inspections are received, the inspection times will be adjusted for any severe problems.
B. It is not easy to decide the affection of corrosion, when the reports from the CAP inspections are received, the inspection duration will be changed for any serious problems.
C. It is very hard to make the decision of the corrosion effects but, if the reports from the CAP inspections are obtained, the inspection times will be arranged in accordance with the severest problem.
A. Each Chapter or Section is begin with either a general description of the system or its operation and Description and Operation should be labeled.
B. Each Chapter or Section is begin with neither a general description of the system nor its operation and Description and Operation should be labeled.
C. Description and Operation should be labeled in each Chapter or Section which is open with both a general description of the system and its operation.
A. 所有三个螺栓孔必须与燃油管匹配。
B. 所有三个支架孔必须与燃油管对齐。
C. 所有三个支架孔必须与然油管齐平。
A. 这种物质在高浓度时是有毒的。
B. 在高度浓缩后,这种材科会有毒。
C. 这种材科在高温下会易燃。
A. 飞机上一些油箱用于储存燃油,一些油箱用于飞机配平
B. 飞机上用于储存燃油的油箱需要用空气进行配平
C. 一些油箱被叫做配平油箱,因为它们不仅储存燃油,也用于飞机配平
A. 长的复合句可以通过垂直列表简化以便理解。
B. 垂直方向的表格使复杂的长句子更容易理解。
C. 垂直列表使复杂的长句子更容易理解。