A、 Torsion links which are connected by a towing circular at the upper end and a shock strut inner cylinder at the lower end transmit a turning moment.
B、 Torsion links connected at the upper end to a steering collar and at the lower end to the shock strut inner cylinder transmit a turning moment.
C、 Steering links connected at the upper end to a steering collar and at the lower end to the shock strut inner cylinder transmit a turning moment.
A、 Torsion links which are connected by a towing circular at the upper end and a shock strut inner cylinder at the lower end transmit a turning moment.
B、 Torsion links connected at the upper end to a steering collar and at the lower end to the shock strut inner cylinder transmit a turning moment.
C、 Steering links connected at the upper end to a steering collar and at the lower end to the shock strut inner cylinder transmit a turning moment.
A. If there is a available service bulletin to correct the problem of moisture ingress into the connector cavity, the letter then will be useless.
B. Refer to this letter to help mitigate moisture ingress into the connector cavity even if there is a available service bulletin to correct the problem.
C. If there is a available service bulletin to correct the problem that moisture ingress into the connector cavity, the letter then will provide procedures.
A. Servo tab is connected on the trailing edge of primary flight control surface, moving in the opposite direction to that of primary control surface.
B. Servo tab is a small movable tab built into the trailing edge of an aircraft primary control surface, which is actuated by the cockpit control,moving in the same direction as that of the primary surface moving.
C. Servo tab is a small movable tab built into the trailing edge of an aircraft primary control surface. It moves as the primary flight control surface’s moving and not controlled by the cockpit.
A. 飞行表面包括襟翼、副翼、扰流板、调整片、阻力和平衡装置等;
B. 飞行表面包括副翼、襟翼、扰流板、调整片、阻力和平衡装置等;
C. 飞行表面包括副翼、襟翼、扰流板、调整片、拉力和平衡装置等;
A. 标准化将可以通过对检验标准的一致性要求,使持续适航方案中规定的安全标准得到提高。
B. 标准化是通过统一解释持续性适航方案中的检查要求,达到本规范的检验标准。
C. 标准化将提升安全性,通过统一解读持续性适航方案中所包含的、依照本规范制定的检验要求实现。
A. Thrust and drag act forward and rearward respectively.
B. Lift acts horizontally forward.
C. Thrust and lift act in the same direction.
A. 所有在此区域人员必须使用护目镜。
B. 所有在此区域人员必须使用防护服。
C. 所有在此区域人员必须使用呼吸设备。
A. If the airplanes mentioned in this document are no more manufactured,ABC is likely to stop providing support according to the company polices stated.
B. Unless the airplanes shown in this document are not produced any more,ABC carries on to provide support in accordance with the company policies stated.
C. Even if the airplanes covered in this document are no longer produced,ABC continues to support them based on the company policies stated.
A. 与本规范的符合性相关的重要意见应予以公布。
B. 对于和本规范相抵触的重大意见应予以公布。
C. 应发布符合本规范的重要议题。
A. If fault message continues, push the audio cancel pushbutton on the aviation electric test panel.
B. If fault message persists, press audio cancel pushbutton on the avionics test panel.
C. If fault message goes on, press audio cancel pushbutton on the airborne test panel.
A. If changing or deleting of these inspection features is approved by the FAA Oversight office that manages the airplane model Type Certificate, they are mandatory.
B. These inspection features can be changed or deleted if they don't get approval of the FAA Oversight Office that is responsible for the airplane model Type Certificate because they are mandatory.
C. If there is no approval of the FAA Oversight, Office that manages the airplane model Type Certificate anyone cannot change or delete these inspection features that are compulsive.