A、 当启动发动机之前,解除离合器。
B、 当启动发动机之前,先断开刹车。
C、 当启动发动机之前,解除推力器。
A、 当启动发动机之前,解除离合器。
B、 当启动发动机之前,先断开刹车。
C、 当启动发动机之前,解除推力器。
A. The Manufacture recommends that Buyer's qualified technicians inspect, troubleshoot test and repair or replace systems and components recommended by the Manufacturer that may be repairable o replaceable during normal maintenance procedures. The Manufacturer shall provide sufficient information in the Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance data.
B. The Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance Data provided by the manufacturer to the Purchaser shall contain enough information to enable qualified mechanics to inspect, troubleshoot test and repair or replace all systems and units that the Manufacturer regarded to be repairable or replaceable during normal maintenance procedures.
C. The Manufacturer shall provide the Purchaser with adequate information to enable the mechanics to do qualified work, such s to inspect troubleshoot test and repair or replace all systems and components that repairable or replaceable with reference to the Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance Data ad required.
A. 与本规范的符合性相关的重要意见应予以公布。
B. 对于和本规范相抵触的重大意见应予以公布。
C. 应发布符合本规范的重要议题。
A. 在大修手册中,这一节必须包括诸如动力装置组装、拆除等。
B. 在维护手册中,这一节应包括诸如动力装置组装、拆除等。
C. 在大修手册中,这一节应包括诸如动力装置组装、拆除等。
A. 按要求把喷射器组件的喷嘴安装在APU进气道内。
B. 按要求把喷射器组件的接头安装在APU进气道内。
C. 按要求把作动器组件的喷嘴安装在APU进气道内。
A. 安装最短螺纹的转接头到板上
B. 安装螺纹区域最短的转接头到板上
C. 将转接头螺纹区域最短的一端安装在板上
A. 改变面板的位置。
B. 将面板移动到位。
C. 将脚蹬移动到位。
A. The pressure and velocity of air increase when it flows through the comressor.
B. The pressure of air decreases when it flows through the comressor.
C. The pressure of air increases when it flows through the comressor.
A. 用一块干净的布压在表面上
B. 用一块干净的布擦拭表面
C. 用一块干净的布修复表面
A. Decide which hydraulic system you will pressurize.
B. The pressurized hydraulic system is the best.
C. Check the hydraulic system that you will pressurize.
A. Remove the cylinder from its installed position
B. Install the cylinder into its installed position
C. Pull the cylinder out of its installed position