A、 Dilute the solution in a container made of ceramic material.
B、 Prepare the solution in a container made of ceramic material.
C、 Dissolve the solution in a container made of ceramic material.
A、 Dilute the solution in a container made of ceramic material.
B、 Prepare the solution in a container made of ceramic material.
C、 Dissolve the solution in a container made of ceramic material.
A. There is no influence on your eyes for hydraulic fluid.
B. Hydraulic fluid has no effect on your eyes.
C. Hydraulic fluid can cause eye injury.
A. 如果固态样品中有金属屑,更换液压泵。
B. 如果固态样品中有金属屑,更换液压活门。
C. 如果液态样品中有金属屑,更换液压泵。
A. Additional information may follow t he check list to make the check list easier for the pilots to understand it.
B. The additional information should be followed by the pilots to make better understanding the check list.
C. The additional information is followed the check list to make the pilots better understanding the check list the pilots should read it in sequence.
A. 测量跑道灯连接的电阻。
B. 校准跑道灯连接的电阻。
C. 复核跑道灯连接的电阻。
A. 如图4所示,测量凹坑的深度。
B. 如图4所示,检查凹坑的尺寸。
C. 如图4所示,测量磨损的厚度。
A. Those components and manifold assemblies are used to dram off excess fluids from the powerplant and its accessories.
B. Those components and manifold assemblies which are used to drain off excess fluids from the powerplant or its accessories.
C. Those components and manifold assemblies which are used to drain off excess fluids from the powerplant and its accessories.
A. 文本应尽可能简单易懂。
B. 文本可以尽量简单易懂。
C. 文本应该尽可能简明扼要。
A. 一旦为活门或控制装置建立了方案或设备,则在整本手册中应将其用于此类装置.
B. 一旦为活门或控制装置建立了符号或设备,则在整本手册中应将其用于此类装置.
C. 一旦为活门或控制装置建立了规范或设备,则在整本手册中应将其用于此类装置.
A. you need to remove cooling shroud halves and the ignition lead prior to removing an igniter.
B. To remove an igniter, you must disconnect the cooling shroud halves,the ignition lead and igniter adapter.
C. you need to remove an igniter prior to removing cooling shroud halves and the ignition lead.