A、 If the test does not give satisfactory results, identify the fault isolation procedure;
B、 If the test does not give satisfactory results, illuminate the fault isolation procedure;
C、 If the test does not give satisfactory results, implement the fault isolation procedure;
A、 If the test does not give satisfactory results, identify the fault isolation procedure;
B、 If the test does not give satisfactory results, illuminate the fault isolation procedure;
C、 If the test does not give satisfactory results, implement the fault isolation procedure;
A. Measure the distance from point A to point B on the surface.
B. Measure the length between point A and point B on the surface.
C. Measure the duration between point A and point B on the surface.
A. Do not exceed the speed limit while extending or retracting the Landing gears;
B. Do not extend or retract landing gear too fast;
C. Do not extend or retract landing gear above this speed;
A. Comparing with the chemical oxygen-generating systems when providing oxygen to the same amount of people,the gaseous oxygen systems are lighter and smaller.
B. When providing oxygen to the same number of people,compared with the gaseous oxygen systems,chemical oxygen-generating systems need less space and have lighter weight.
C. Gaseous oxygen systems have lighter weight and bigger size than chemical-generating systems when supplying air to the same number of people.
A. 调试抗干扰器直到你不再听到扩音器的杂音。
B. 调整电位计,直到你听不到扬声器的嗡嗡响。
C. 当你听不到喇叭的响声,调整分压器。
A. 如果燃油或润滑油喷洒,请及时清洁此区域。否则潮湿的地面会造成摔伤。
B. 如有燃油或润滑油溢出,应立即清洁此区域。潮湿的地面很危险,会致你摔倒。
C. 如果燃油或油脂有遗撒,应立即清洁此区域。否则污染的地面会致你摔倒。
A. Make sure that the fire extinguishers are in position before starting the engine.
B. Check the position of fire extinguishers before you start the engines.
C. Examine the location of the fire extinguisher before you maintain the engine.
A. 确保时寿件没有过期。
B. 确保时寿件没有损坏。
C. 确保没有使用时寿件。
A. 方向舵的最大偏转为左29度和右29度。前扇形盘上的止动限制了方向舵PCU的输入。
B. 方向舵的最大偏转为左29度和右29度。前扇形盘上的作动限制了升降舵PCU的输入。
C. 方向舵的最大倾斜为左29度和右29度。前扇形盘上的止动限制了方向舵PCU的输入。
A. 如果高度变化频繁,请在组件上盖上盖子。
B. 如果温度变化频繁,请在组件上盖上盖子。
C. 如果湿度变化频繁,请在组件上盖上盖子。
A. 通风系统使用压力变化将机外空气抽入。空气从客舱厨房和盥洗室区域流经机外通风孔。
B. 通风系统使用不同的压力将空气抽出飞机外。空气流经客舱厨房和盥洗室区域然后到机外通风孔。
C. 通风系统使用压差将空气抽出飞机外。空气从客舱厨房和盥洗室区域的机外通风孔流出。