A、 英语单词复杂的句子结构以及多个含义和缩写词会对读者造成混淆。
B、 复杂的句子结构多个含义和术语以及多个英语单词会对读者造成混淆。
C、 复杂的句子结构以及英语单词的多重含义和同义词会对读者造成混淆。
A、 英语单词复杂的句子结构以及多个含义和缩写词会对读者造成混淆。
B、 复杂的句子结构多个含义和术语以及多个英语单词会对读者造成混淆。
C、 复杂的句子结构以及英语单词的多重含义和同义词会对读者造成混淆。
A. You had better not to weld engine components when the engine is installed on the airframe.
B. You're not allowed to operate engine components when the engine is installed on the airframe.
C. You had-better not to weld engine components when the engine is running.
A. 锁紧件
B. 安全带
C. 紧固件
A. server control unit
B. service control unit
C. servo control unit
A. Make sure that the movement limits of the flight control surfaces are free.
B. Make sure that the travel ranges of the flight control surfaces are clear
C. Make sure that the travel limits of the flight control rudders are clean.
A. When the cross-feed system is open, it is possible for one fuel pump to supply fuel to the two engines
B. When the supplying system is open, it is possible for one fuel pump to supply fuel to the two engines.
C. One fuel pump can supply fuel to two engines, as the supplying system is open.
A. 检查机翼油箱内部
B. 间歇地检查机翼油箱。
C. 给油箱做深入式测试。
A. Do the troubleshooting procedure to find the cause of the malfunction
B. Do the troubleshooting procedure to look the result of the malfunction
C. Find the cause of the malfunction to do the troubleshooting procedure
A. It is mandatory to inform ABC the important details of inspection results, repairs and modifications accomplished, which is used to evaluate if the recommended inspection procedures and time intervals are effective.
B. ABC Aircraft Company is obliged to assess the effectiveness of the recommended inspection procedures and time intervals by obtaining the significant details of inspection results, repairs and modifications accomplished.
C. ABC Aircraft Company uses the significant details of inspection results, repairs and modifications accomplished to assess the effectiveness of the recommended inspection procedures and time intervals.
A. 两次检查后最少等待两分钟。
B. 两次检查之间的最短时间是两分钟。
C. 两次检查之间最多等待两分钟。
A. 当你从后面看泵的时候,螺栓会在2点钟的位置。
B. 螺栓在2点钟位置时,从后面观察泵。
C. 当你从前面看泵的时候,螺栓会固定在2点钟的位置。