A、 Those components and manifold assemblies are used to dram off excess fluids from the powerplant and its accessories.
B、 Those components and manifold assemblies which are used to drain off excess fluids from the powerplant or its accessories.
C、 Those components and manifold assemblies which are used to drain off excess fluids from the powerplant and its accessories.
A、 Those components and manifold assemblies are used to dram off excess fluids from the powerplant and its accessories.
B、 Those components and manifold assemblies which are used to drain off excess fluids from the powerplant or its accessories.
C、 Those components and manifold assemblies which are used to drain off excess fluids from the powerplant and its accessories.
A. 总的来说,然而,最好完全遵循以下各章的安排和细目分类,并应在所有手册中尽最大可能。
B. 总的来说,然而,最好统一遵循以下各章的安排和细目分类,并应在所有手册中尽最大可能。
C. 总的来说,然而,最好准确遵循以下各部分的安排和细目分类,并应在所有手册中尽最大可能。
A. 保证所有的使用途径都满足适航要求。
B. 阐明我们所使用的所有方法都满足适航要求。
C. 确保我们所使用的所有方法都满足适航要求。
A. 当A导体穿过南极时,诱导电压沿正方向逐渐增加,直到达到图中所示的位置。
B. 当A导体穿过南极时,安全电压沿磁方向渐增加,直到达到图中所示的位置。
C. 当A导体穿过南极时,感应电压沿负方向逐渐增加,直到达到图中所示的位置。
A. 如果发现铜颗粒,在发现之曰起的30天内重复执行整个程序(机轮不承重)
B. 如果发现金属碎屑,从即日起在30天内完成整个修理程序(机轮承重)
C. 如果发现琥珀色指示参数,针对发现的数据在30天内重复所有程程序(机轮离地)
A. 当你从后面看泵的时候,螺栓会在2点钟的位置。
B. 螺栓在2点钟位置时,从后面观察泵。
C. 当你从前面看泵的时候,螺栓会固定在2点钟的位置。
A. The fairway and the runway centerline should align.
B. The localizer course is aligned with the centerline of the runway.
C. The localizer aligns with the center of the runway.
A. 速度高度纠错系统通过修正实际速度尽可能保持飞机安全飞行高度。
B. 通过修正实际速度尽可能保持飞机安全飞行高度的任务由速度-高度纠错系统完成。
C. 速度姿态修正系统通过修正速度的影响,自动保持安全的飞行姿态。
A. Calculate the quality of fuel and the number of shims that are necessary
B. Calculate the quantity of fuel and the number of shims that are necessary
C. Calibrate the quantity of fuel and the number of shims that are necessary
A. There are three jacks onboard the fuselage.
B. There are three jacking adapters on the fuselage.
C. There are three jacking points on the fuselage.