A、 注释会引起注意方式方法,这个能让工作更简单,或者提供说明或者注释信息的方法。
B、 注释提醒注意使工作更容易的方法,或提供说明或额外解释信息的方法。
C、 注释提醒注意使工作更容易的方法,或提供补充或解释信息的方法。
A、 注释会引起注意方式方法,这个能让工作更简单,或者提供说明或者注释信息的方法。
B、 注释提醒注意使工作更容易的方法,或提供说明或额外解释信息的方法。
C、 注释提醒注意使工作更容易的方法,或提供补充或解释信息的方法。
A. Each electrical system is identified by a code.
B. Each code of electrical system id identified.
C. Each system is identified by an electrical code.
A. 简介中应包含主题的字母索引,用于定位重要的电路。
B. 字母表应按照主题分类后的简介中列出,用于定位理想电路。
C. 简介中应包含主题分类的字母索引,以帮助查找所需的电路。
A. 飞行控制为自动控制飞机飞行姿态特性提供方法,包括液压助力系统、升降舵脚蹬、控制杆连杆、控制钢索、调整片控制、安装支架等。
B. 飞行控制为人工控制飞机飞行姿态特性提供方法,包括液压助力系统、方向舵脚蹬、控制杆连杆、控制钢索、调整片控制、安装支架等。
C. 飞行控制为人工控制飞机飞行姿态特性提供方法,包括气源助力系统、方向舵脚蹬、控制杆连杆、控制钢索、配平片控制、安装支架等。
A. The filter must be replaced before putting new oil in the system.
B. The replacement of the filter is optional before refueling the system.
C. The filter can not be replaced unless you put hew oil in the system.
A. 如果错差超过3度,则要改装指南针。
B. 如果误差超过3度,则要校准罗盘。
C. 如果角度超过3度,则要调整圆规。
A. 遵守安全说明
B. 违背安全说明
C. 忽略安全说明
A. 这会导致组件的机械性能的恶化。
B. 这会导致组件的机械部件的变形。
C. 这会导致组件的机械装置碰撞。
A. Among the offices under the Associate Administrator is the Aircraft Certification Service, which has the responsibility for overseeing the Aircraft Certification Directorate, and the is Washington Headquarters operations related design, production, and airworthiness certification.
B. Aircraft Certification Directorate which is one of the offices under the Associate Administrator is responsible for overseeing the Aircraft Certification Directorate, and the Washington Headquarters operations related to design production, and airworthiness certification.
C. Overseeing the Aircraft Certification Directorate, and the Washington Headquarters operations related to design, production, and approval is the duty of Aircraft Certification Service that is among the offices under the Associate Administrator.
A. 主起落架轮舱空间宽度
B. 主起落架收放宽度
C. 主起落架轮距
A. Sometimes you have to change long sentences to shorter ones, remove unnecessary information, or ask an engineer to get further explanation.
B. Some time you have to incorporate long sentences into shorter ones, decrease unnecessary information, or require an engineer for further instruction.
C. Sometime you must illuminate long sentences into shorter ones, ignore information which is not necessary, or order an engineer for further definition.