A、 If you ignore these conditions, smoke or a fire may occur
B、 If you ignore these conditions, smoke or a fire will occur.
C、 If you ignore these conditions, smoke or a fire maybe not occur.
A、 If you ignore these conditions, smoke or a fire may occur
B、 If you ignore these conditions, smoke or a fire will occur.
C、 If you ignore these conditions, smoke or a fire maybe not occur.
A. The smoke sensor in each detector monitors when the smoke density is above a previous limit. If the density keeps higher than the limit for about eight seconds, the sensor set the detector to the alarm condition.
B. The smoke sensor in each detector monitors for smoke density above a preset limit. If the density stays above the limit for appropriately eight seconds, the sensor sets the detector to the alarm condition.
C. The smoke transducer monitors for smoke density above a presumed limit of each detector. If the density remains over the limit about eight seconds, the transducer turn the detector to the alarm condition.
A. 量规的精度必须符合适用的质量标准。
B. 选择量规必须参照已有的质量标准。
C. 采购护目镜必须满足相应的质量标准。
A. Atmospheric pressure increasing with decreases altitude;
B. Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude;
C. Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing attitude;
A. Refer to the attachment that follows for the applicable resistance values.
B. Refer to the figure that follows for the applicable gap values.
C. Refer to the table that follows for the applicable torque values.
A. 只要一个词同时符合技术名词和技术动词的规范,该词既可以是技术名称,也可以是技术动词。
B. 同一个词可以既是技术动词也是技术名词,只要你能够在技术名词列表或者技术动词列表中找到它。
C. 如果同一个词归入技术名称类别也可以归入技术动词类别,那么该词既可以是技术名词,也可以是技术动词。
A. 工作在这个区域需使用护目镜
B. 工作在这个区域需使用防护服
C. 工作在这个区域需使用呼吸设备
A. 确保放置正确尺寸的部件
B. 确保更换的部件尺寸正确
C. 确保更换的部件位置正确
A. 把电缆分割相等宽度的三段
B. 把电缆分割相等厚度的三段
C. 把电缆切成相等长度的三段
A. Each manufacturer is expected to reasonably abide by the Specification content and arrangement.
B. Each manufacturer is expected to reasonably agree with the Specification content and arrangement.
C. Each manufacturer is expected to reasonably substitute the Specification content and arrangement.
A. 张力是正确的
B. 校正张力
C. 正确的拉力