34_ your letter, I am pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable to us.( )

A、 Towards

B、 Upon

C、 Supposing

D、 Concerning


30.If you don't make time ()for you, it will work against you.
1、In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _11()women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very _12()to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _13()their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”.If elderly people want to talk about their age, they may easily14()_the topic themselves, and ask the other person to guess how old they are . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than 15() that they look very old. Even tbough Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _16() that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask _17()for the information, or else they may try to 18() the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational_19()and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the 20().18.( )
23.It would be better to make a decision now, _leave it until next week.( )
9.The bossy manager is always finding fault with his().( )
1、We all believe that modern technology can make life better because it makes everything faster. But by _11() everything up, we suffer losses we have not yet learnt to know. Our day begins with speedy urges: the alarm rings and you jump _12()bed. You take a quick shower. Then you wake the kids and <13()them through breakfast so they won't miss the bus. At the dining table, you swallow some slices of bread with a cup of tea. When everything()14(),you hurry to the car, thinking of the things you would buy from the supermarket on the way15(). Driving 20 minutes in the busy traffic,you reach your workplace, rushing into the building and _16() up the stairs three at a time, arriving at your desk with seconds to spare. You take_17()deep breaths. Then, you instantly remember that the ()18()you didn't finish last night must be faxed to Beijing by l0'clock in the morning. Yet it seems that the _19() we go, the further we fall behind. Not only in the literal sense of not getting done what we set out to do, _20() at a deeper level. It has come to the point where my days feel like an Olympic marathon.13.( )
37.You seem to have the problem nicely worked
1、In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _11()women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very _12()to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _13()their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”.If elderly people want to talk about their age, they may easily14()_the topic themselves, and ask the other person to guess how old they are . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than()15() that they look very old. Even tbough Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _16() that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask _17()for the information, or else they may try to 18() the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational_19()and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the 20().14. ( )
17.I don't think that watch is().( )
15.The book written by the famous writer is worth()【read】.( )
2、It is often said that politeness costs nothing. In fact, it seems that a little more politeness could save businesses £ 5 billion every year. Frequently hearing the phrase” thank you” or” well done” means the same to staff as modest pay rise. Praise and encouragement also makes employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs. In this way the business companies can save the cost of finding new employees. A third of 1, 000 workers surveyed by a consulting firm said they did not get thanked at all when they did well—and a further third said they were not thanked enough. In both cases, staff said they felt undervalued, meaning they were less likely to exert themselves and were more likely to look for employment elsewhere. The result of the survey shows that there would be around f 5.2 billion loss in productivity if the employees felt less appreciated.According to the firm, praising staff has the same positive effect as a 1 per cent pay rise—and works out much cheaper for bosses. Three out of four employees said that regular acknowledgement by their bosses was important to them, but only a quarter said they were actually owen as much praise as they felt they needed. The survey found that those in blue-collar and manual jobs were less likely to be given any recognition for doing well. But it seems that they most need such praise. In regional terms, Scottish staff felt most undervalued.Four out of ten workers said they were never thanked and eight out of ten said they would like more praise. However, workers in the North-East are less impressed by being praised by the boss, as only 69 per cent said they felt the need to be told “well done”regularly.Older employees and women need the most reassurance, according to psychologist Averil Leimon. She said that words of praise did more than creating a pleasant place to work—they could even promote profits.3.According to the survey, () of the employees believed they were praised as much as expected.( )

34_ your letter, I am pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable to us.( )

A、 Towards

B、 Upon

C、 Supposing

D、 Concerning


30.If you don't make time ()for you, it will work against you.

A. work

B. worked

C. working

D. to work

1、In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _11()women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very _12()to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _13()their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”.If elderly people want to talk about their age, they may easily14()_the topic themselves, and ask the other person to guess how old they are . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than 15() that they look very old. Even tbough Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _16() that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask _17()for the information, or else they may try to 18() the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational_19()and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the 20().18.( )

A. approach

B. address

C. solve

D. take
23.It would be better to make a decision now, _leave it until next week.( )

A. other than

B. rather than

C. less than

D. more than
9.The bossy manager is always finding fault with his().( )

A. employment

B. employs

C. employers

D. employees
1、We all believe that modern technology can make life better because it makes everything faster. But by _11() everything up, we suffer losses we have not yet learnt to know. Our day begins with speedy urges: the alarm rings and you jump _12()bed. You take a quick shower. Then you wake the kids and <13()them through breakfast so they won't miss the bus. At the dining table, you swallow some slices of bread with a cup of tea. When everything()14(),you hurry to the car, thinking of the things you would buy from the supermarket on the way15(). Driving 20 minutes in the busy traffic,you reach your workplace, rushing into the building and _16() up the stairs three at a time, arriving at your desk with seconds to spare. You take_17()deep breaths. Then, you instantly remember that the ()18()you didn't finish last night must be faxed to Beijing by l0'clock in the morning. Yet it seems that the _19() we go, the further we fall behind. Not only in the literal sense of not getting done what we set out to do, _20() at a deeper level. It has come to the point where my days feel like an Olympic marathon.13.( )

A. 1ook

B. break

C. rush

D. see
37.You seem to have the problem nicely worked

A. up

B. out

C. on

D. at

解析:解析:A表示”引起,激起”,B表示”解决,制定 出”,C表示”致力于”,根据句子含义
1、In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _11()women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very _12()to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _13()their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”.If elderly people want to talk about their age, they may easily14()_the topic themselves, and ask the other person to guess how old they are . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than()15() that they look very old. Even tbough Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _16() that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask _17()for the information, or else they may try to 18() the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational_19()and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the 20().14. ( )

A. bring up

B. bring to

C. bring about

D. bring along
17.I don't think that watch is().( )

A. worthy of the price

B. worth the price

C. worth of the price

D. worthy to buy
15.The book written by the famous writer is worth()【read】.( )

A. reading

B. being read

C. to read

D. to have read
2、It is often said that politeness costs nothing. In fact, it seems that a little more politeness could save businesses £ 5 billion every year. Frequently hearing the phrase” thank you” or” well done” means the same to staff as modest pay rise. Praise and encouragement also makes employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs. In this way the business companies can save the cost of finding new employees. A third of 1, 000 workers surveyed by a consulting firm said they did not get thanked at all when they did well—and a further third said they were not thanked enough. In both cases, staff said they felt undervalued, meaning they were less likely to exert themselves and were more likely to look for employment elsewhere. The result of the survey shows that there would be around f 5.2 billion loss in productivity if the employees felt less appreciated.According to the firm, praising staff has the same positive effect as a 1 per cent pay rise—and works out much cheaper for bosses. Three out of four employees said that regular acknowledgement by their bosses was important to them, but only a quarter said they were actually owen as much praise as they felt they needed. The survey found that those in blue-collar and manual jobs were less likely to be given any recognition for doing well. But it seems that they most need such praise. In regional terms, Scottish staff felt most undervalued.Four out of ten workers said they were never thanked and eight out of ten said they would like more praise. However, workers in the North-East are less impressed by being praised by the boss, as only 69 per cent said they felt the need to be told “well done”regularly.Older employees and women need the most reassurance, according to psychologist Averil Leimon. She said that words of praise did more than creating a pleasant place to work—they could even promote profits.3.According to the survey, () of the employees believed they were praised as much as expected.( )

A. 25%

B. 30%

C. 40%

D. 75%

解析:解析:找到关键词praised as much as expected出现的地方,关注数字的表示方式。选择A。