8.Country life is better than city life ()it offers fresh air and noiseless environment.

A、 in that

B、 as that

C、 as for

D、 in which



29.They complained that you charged()prices for your services.
5.The teacher asked each of us ()what he had been doing. ( )
3、Believe it or not, optical illusion(错觉)can cut highway crashes. Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75percent using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes, called chevrons (人字形), painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down. Now the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japan's success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes. Excessive speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed - related hazards are the greatest - curves, exit slopes, traffic circles, and bridges. Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars. Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower.The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.3.The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bars is that the former()( )
3、A centuries-old tradition, illustrated in a modern children's book, link the sweetness of honey with the joy of learning to read. 'The grandpa held a jar of honey so that all the family could see.He then dipped a spoon into it and put some honey on the cover of a small book. The little girl had just turned five.”Stand up, little one, 'he asked the girl softly.'l did this for your mother, your/uncles, your older brother, and now you!’ Then. He handed the book to her.Taste!' She touched the honey with her finger and put it into her mouth.'What's that taste?' the grandma asked. The little girl answered, ' Sweet!' Then all of the family said in a single voice, Yes, and so is knowledge, but knowledge is from the bee that made that sweet honev. vou have to ao after it throuah the pages of a book!' The little girl knew that the promise to read was at last hers.Soon she was going to learn to read.”This is the beginning of a profoundly moving children's book entitled Thank You, Mr. Falker. In this book, Patricia Polacco writes of her own passion to read, inspired by the honey on the book.It wasn't until fifth grade that she met her beloved teacher who provided the help that she needed to finally unlock>the magic of the written word. Reading this book, we are in fact acquainted with some enduring traditions of child education that stress the importance of verbal capacity at a very early age. The child learning to read is admitted into a collective memory by way of books. And with the printed words that are active with meaning, the child becomes acquainted with a common past which he or she renews, to a greater or lesser degree, in every reading. Much as the author of the book Thank You, Mr. Falker puts it, “ Almost as if it were magic, or as if 1ight poured into her brain, the words and sentences started to take shape on the page as they never hzd before···And she understood the whole thing.··Then she went into the living room and found the book on a shelf, the very book that her grandpa had shown her so many years ago.She spooned honey on the cover and tasted the sweetness···Then she held the book, honey and all, close to her chest. She could feel tears roll down her cheeks, but they weren't tears of sadness-she was happy, so very happy.”3.The book entitled Thank You, Mr.Falker is about _( )
1、In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _11()women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very _12()to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _13()their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”.If elderly people want to talk about their age, they may easily14()_the topic themselves, and ask the other person to guess how old they are . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than 15() that they look very old. Even tbough Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _16() that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask _17()for the information, or else they may try to 18() the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational_19()and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the 20().18.( )
11.These features are () of what we may call educated informal English.
1、In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _11()women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very _12()to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _13()their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”.If elderly people want to talk about their age, they may easily14()_the topic themselves, and ask the other person to guess how old they are . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than 15() that they look very old. Even tbough Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _16()that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask _17()for the information, or else they may try to 18() the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational_19()and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the 20().16. ( )
34_ your letter, I am pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable to us.( )
1、In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _11()women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very _12()to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _13()their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”.If elderly people want to talk about their age, they may easily14()_the topic themselves, and ask the other person to guess how old they are . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than()15() that they look very old. Even tbough Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _16() that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask _17()for the information, or else they may try to 18() the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational_19()and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the 20().20.( )
21.He often talks as if he()【be】my father.( )

8.Country life is better than city life ()it offers fresh air and noiseless environment.

A、 in that

B、 as that

C、 as for

D、 in which



29.They complained that you charged()prices for your services.

A. plentiful

B. generous

C. reasonable

D. excessive

5.The teacher asked each of us ()what he had been doing. ( )

A. in time

B. in part

C. in trouble

D. in turn
3、Believe it or not, optical illusion(错觉)can cut highway crashes. Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75percent using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes, called chevrons (人字形), painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down. Now the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japan's success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes. Excessive speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed - related hazards are the greatest - curves, exit slopes, traffic circles, and bridges. Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars. Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower.The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.3.The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bars is that the former()( )

A. can keep drivers awake

B. can cut road accidents in half

C. will have a longer effect on drivers

D. will look more attractive

解析:解析:首先找到关键词horizontal bars,仔细理解本句后,确定答案,但关注former,表示前者的概念,所以应该确定排除B,选择C。
3、A centuries-old tradition, illustrated in a modern children's book, link the sweetness of honey with the joy of learning to read. 'The grandpa held a jar of honey so that all the family could see.He then dipped a spoon into it and put some honey on the cover of a small book. The little girl had just turned five.”Stand up, little one, 'he asked the girl softly.'l did this for your mother, your/uncles, your older brother, and now you!’ Then. He handed the book to her.Taste!' She touched the honey with her finger and put it into her mouth.'What's that taste?' the grandma asked. The little girl answered, ' Sweet!' Then all of the family said in a single voice, Yes, and so is knowledge, but knowledge is from the bee that made that sweet honev. vou have to ao after it throuah the pages of a book!' The little girl knew that the promise to read was at last hers.Soon she was going to learn to read.”This is the beginning of a profoundly moving children's book entitled Thank You, Mr. Falker. In this book, Patricia Polacco writes of her own passion to read, inspired by the honey on the book.It wasn't until fifth grade that she met her beloved teacher who provided the help that she needed to finally unlock>the magic of the written word. Reading this book, we are in fact acquainted with some enduring traditions of child education that stress the importance of verbal capacity at a very early age. The child learning to read is admitted into a collective memory by way of books. And with the printed words that are active with meaning, the child becomes acquainted with a common past which he or she renews, to a greater or lesser degree, in every reading. Much as the author of the book Thank You, Mr. Falker puts it, “ Almost as if it were magic, or as if 1ight poured into her brain, the words and sentences started to take shape on the page as they never hzd before···And she understood the whole thing.··Then she went into the living room and found the book on a shelf, the very book that her grandpa had shown her so many years ago.She spooned honey on the cover and tasted the sweetness···Then she held the book, honey and all, close to her chest. She could feel tears roll down her cheeks, but they weren't tears of sadness-she was happy, so very happy.”3.The book entitled Thank You, Mr.Falker is about _( )

A. the early life of Mr. Falker

B. Polacco's early experience with reading

C. the magic power of written words on children

D. how the honey on the book makes children feel happy

1、In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _11()women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very _12()to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _13()their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”.If elderly people want to talk about their age, they may easily14()_the topic themselves, and ask the other person to guess how old they are . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than 15() that they look very old. Even tbough Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _16() that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask _17()for the information, or else they may try to 18() the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational_19()and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the 20().18.( )

A. approach

B. address

C. solve

D. take
11.These features are () of what we may call educated informal English.

A. trivial

B. tremendous

C. typical

D. traditional

1、In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _11()women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very _12()to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _13()their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”.If elderly people want to talk about their age, they may easily14()_the topic themselves, and ask the other person to guess how old they are . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than 15() that they look very old. Even tbough Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _16()that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask _17()for the information, or else they may try to 18() the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational_19()and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the 20().16. ( )

A. mean

B. intend

C. include

D. conclude
34_ your letter, I am pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable to us.( )

A. Towards

B. Upon

C. Supposing

D. Concerning
1、In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _11()women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very _12()to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _13()their age, especially if they feel they look young for their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a direct question like “How old are you?”.If elderly people want to talk about their age, they may easily14()_the topic themselves, and ask the other person to guess how old they are . They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than()15() that they look very old. Even tbough Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _16() that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask _17()for the information, or else they may try to 18() the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational_19()and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the 20().20.( )

A. fact

B. truth

C. reality

D. case
21.He often talks as if he()【be】my father.( )

A. is

B. was

C. were

D. had been